Thursday, 7 November 2013

Nothing is impossible in the world

Nothing is really impossible in the world. It all depends on whether you really want to prove it true. In other words, it depends on whether you have the requisite ‘will power’ to achieve the goal you set for yourself. Once you have strong will power, know that you are on the right track. The will power or strong determination, without fail, urges one to take up the necessary tasks, even if sort of herculean task, to reach the goal.  Amidst hardships and misfortunes, one has to go on. Simply but true, we get whatever we really want. If things seem still impossible even if you try, then the reason may be you really do not want it.
Most often we succumbed to the fear of the fear that this or that ambition is too high for me to accomplish. Such fear, believe it, often than not, take us aback even before we begin to try. It is true till today that cowards die many times before their death. Thinking of the bulky books which are necessary to read while preparing for examinations only leads to priceless discouragement. It is always good to take up and read it rather than think about it and glaring at them. The English poet Ted Hughes has, in comparison, said that animals are quick to pick on their prey while human beings, on the other, lack that ‘kill power’. This is really true. We often complain saying that this or that dream of mine seems impossible. But it is worthwhile to think for a moment that it is our hesitation and slowness to fix on to our target where our complaint really begins.
On the contrary, they are those who muster the courage to overcome the fear of fear itself that always comes out the champion. The core reason for their triumph is often their very courage to attempt. The common replies given by successful persons in different fields, when asked upon, are often marked with their recollections on how they had stick to their target, how they have been consistent in their effort, their hard heartedness that had let them smile upon failures, which were all triggered by their very desire to achieve their dream.
It is true that we pursue what we desire. We find every possible ways to get the particular thing we desire most. We also dare to go on until the thing being pursued is reached or met. You can take an example of a young lover who doesn’t want his or her beloved to be in the lap of others, being crazy for youthful love. Like this, let your target or goal be the thing you desire most, firstly. There is no point in rejecting what you are crazy for. May sounds funny to mention but true that now-a-days even an illiterate quickly learn to handle a mobile phone with latest tech applications in just a few days.  Even one may also bother about how one could procure a smart phone no matter there is a problem for a weekly family ration. The simple answer of all such possibility is ‘desire’.      
In the mean time, money and laziness lets one argue against “nothing is impossible”. There are thousands who tell people that dream or ambition is to be had by all, but its accomplishment is another matter. Such people are often those who have succumbed to their fear of failure and never come out of it and now turned bitter (unknowingly maybe).  
Their simple and tempting suggestion is to grasp every immediate opportunity to get money with which, they think, everything can be bought. Such people are to be avoided because they themselves are the ones who are simply lazy. In other words, they have the courage to reach only halfway.  One should not bother about such lazy quasi-experts while on the way to turning things seeming impossible possible.   
Do not look for shortcuts but look for the right path and go along it. The moment you look for shortcuts, tell yourself that you lose your confidence. Shortcuts are there of course.  But wherever there is shortcut, the destination is also near.  Remember the proverb ‘Rome was not built in a day”. Don’t worry if it takes time- to reach your goal. It will, of course, take time, no escape from it.
Always remember that only one who stick to his goal and never turn back have proven and will continue to prove that nothing is impossible. It is also popular belief that regular physical exercise is good for health. Regularity and that too for a certain period of time, is necessary. Even fastening pieces of leather with an adhesive or glue takes time, isn’t it?
Saying “nothing is impossible” but not working for it will be an absurd idea. The ‘will’ to achieve a goal is always accompanied by hard-work. Consistent effort and regular exercises in relation to the goal is necessary to accomplish a goal. For instance, it is clearly not possible to become a great footballer by only dreaming of the great Argentine footballer Maradona but without coming out of the room. The same is true for other fields of accomplishments too.  It may even be said that the saying “nothing is impossible” is more of a triumphal chant than a prayer before starting a task.  
Bad lucks or misfortunes are inevitable in life and are destined to come along the way of life. Everyone under the sun one day or someday admit that life is not a bed of roses. These misfortunes are which indeed makes things appear impossible on the surface but on overturning they prove that nothing is really impossible.  Most important thing here is again to have the courage to control the misfortune, not the other way round. Smile on to it, not in contempt, but in showing your win over it.
It may be nice to hear others saying with confidence that “nothing is impossible”. But it is sweeter when you come to know that the same is true for you.  Until and unless you have this feeling of victory by yourself it is not really very easy to say “nothing is impossible”.
Nothing is impossible in this world for a person with sound mind and body. A foolish person will hardly accomplish miraculous feat. If the contrary happens by chance or by choice, he will no longer be called foolish by the time he accomplished such big thing.  It must be known that it is very foolish to have foolish thoughts like I am going to climb up heaven for nothing is impossible. The point is: sound mind and sound body plays an important role for one to achieve success or prove that everything is possible. One should clearly know his or her capability before embarking upon any task where the ‘nothing impossible’ method could be applied.  Only when you have a clear-cut idea of the thing you aspire for, being accompanied by your interest and passion, you will be able to prove that “nothing is impossible”.
One has also to sacrifice or lose something in order to prove that nothing is impossible. To prove that passing IAS examination is possible, one cannot escape buying study materials. Attending coaching institute may be an individual choice. One may even get study kits free of cost from friends, relatives or others. But there is no escape in that one has at least to put effort in collecting the study materials. The well known saying No Pain No Gain is true.
To conclude, what is really important is ‘getting ready’ to say “nothing is impossible”. It may sound absurd, but very true that unless you are ready to set out for a task, to prove nothing is impossible is far away. After readiness, go step by step. Keep waiting while not ceasing to work. Admit all kinds of impediments on the way. Welcome even misfortunes. Renew your courage and confidence even in times when you may think you lack it but still you have it. Do not look back in vain, if not for corrections from past mistakes.  Devote your time and stick to your target. One day or some day, you, you alone, not others for you, will say with confirmation in your heart of hearts that nothing is really impossible, for you have proven it true.  

(This essay of mine has been adjudged the WINNER of the essay writing contest conducted by Competition Success Review for its January 2014 issue). Happy !



  1. 1 word:"unbeatable"..............its more worthy when I say less...........
