Thursday, 3 October 2013



Sleepless nights after sleepless nights,
I thought over and over again,
But to no conclusion I came,
Where, how and when?

A house we have indeed,
But a Home we are in need!
A house is not a home,
If you don’t belong to it!

It was in 2003* when it all began,
When our home and village,          10
Burnt to ashes like a dream;
No choice left but refuge.

Then, here and there,
A shelter we’re not in want;
But a Home we are much in want!
But not easy to find or never?

They say why don’t you?…
Aren’t you?...or even rebuke;
But never they understand us,
Coz’ we talk and look like them,              20
But not say and see like them.    

And it's harsher with poverty!
To survive but not live; 
Longing for belonging!
Only hoping for the time,
When we shall have Home.

Yet not it comes at once!
Yet not I lose hope either!
To live like this is hell!
Impossible to bear forever!    30

One day or some day,
Far or near unknown,
Our eyes and heart
Will see and sing with joy, this way:

"This is our home, friends,
Come, eat and drink;
Hey Bro, Sis, Mom, Dad,
Take rest; Now we live,
In our sweet HOME”     39

*This refers to the ethnic cleansing campaign of the Dimasas in 2003 when they burnt down many of the Hmar villages, in N.C. Hills, Assam, including ours. Thousands of the Hmars, including us, had to flee our villages and seek refuge in several parts of the country. We, of course, got shelter some way or other, but never regain the past and recover the huge material loss, not to speak of the loss of precious human lives. I think our lot nears the lot of war victims in several parts of the world.

R. L. Muon Inbuon, Kolasib, 6th Dec 2012

(This poem has been published in the souvenir of HSA Platinum Jubilee. Thanks to the Editorial Board). 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Lung a dam nawh

Chinlai Nunhlui

Chinlai nunhlui liemhnung
Nghilni reng a um thei nawh;
Ngaiin, kokir theichangsien ka nuom
Lungmuongte-a lenglaini kha!

Lungkham hrim nei lo rengin,
Khawdung khawvai hrutin,
Lenruol kimten kan leng ;
Turnipui  senvung le ruopui dovin,
Umni kan kham tudang ngai lovin.

Doralpui, khuolram le lungchimlona,
Harsatna le lungngaina tinreng,
Um theiin kan ring ngai nawh;
Kiltin par ang a vul, lawm a kim,
Nau ang kan innui lungril thlamuongin,
Aw! tienlai maw zuk inchang el ta chuh!

Beiseina khamhrui a sei a,
Pielral ieng nunkhaw nuom hun ngakhla’n,
Chun le zuo lunglawm a kim, innui sieuin,
Thiemna run kan kai malsawmna leh,
Hlawtlingnan  a mi hmuok beiseina thar leh;
Run insang kan kutsuok ngeiah kaiin,
Hringnun tui ang a dam, virthli leng dam hieu leh;
Sawl a dam lungkham nei lo reng chu!

Sienkhawm, Dierkeipa itsikna ral hung hrangin,
A thiem a var hmasa kan hnam a run;
Nunrawngna chelekin Nunau an inrieng, 
Kangmei, hriemhrei a zam Hmar run tinah;
Kan vangkhawzawl riel ang a dei zo tah!
Zaleng lungphang khuoi ang an zam dar!
Hrietlo ram muoltin tlangtin sukin,
Riekmaw ieng invaiin  kir an mawi nawh;
Khuol ang chamin, bul tan tha in, ngai aw lo rengin,
Lung a dam mawl nawh, lung a sa dawn chang ni hin.

Dated Kolasib 26th September 2013.