Thursday 26 September 2013

Believe in God and live a peaceful life

It is always good to believe in God. It is useless to deny the presence of God everywhere. It is good to simply believe that he created the universe and the earth. Scientific findings may be there as long as human life exists, but just to prove the magnificence of God.

One day or some day there is time to every person when he or she feels there is something beyond human understanding and capacity. That very critical moment proves the very existence of unseen controller who is none other than God, the Almighty.

Jesus said to one of his disciples Thomas, after his resurrection, that whoever believes him even without seeing is privileged. This is true because whether you see or not, Jesus died and rises from death for your salvation and sanctification. Whether you believe it or not, God reigns over the world. So, the sooner you come to him, the better it is for you, and you will be peaceful in life.


21st September 2013

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